
Using Singularity Containers on the Cluster

We will cover using and managing software/workflow environments using Singularity containers. We will touch on the basic difference between Docker vs Singularity and how Singularity can be used to help you build/use complex software environments on the cluster. Please go over https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/kb/singularity-on-the-cluster/ to make your self familiar and we can take a deep dive to talk about few examples.

This training is for those who already have a FASRC account, and want to learn tools and services. To set up a new account visit https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/kb/how-do-i-get-a-research-computing-account/ or reach out to us at rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu.

To prepare for the session, we highly recommend our users to visit https://docs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/kb/introduction-to-cluster-online/ and watch recorded videos.

Audience: FASRC Users
Pre-Requisites: FASRC New Users Training
Cost: None
Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None

Register: https://trainingportal.harvard.edu/Saba/Web_spf/NA1PRD0068/common/leclassview/virtc000000000008536

Please contact rchelp@rc.fas.harvard.edu with any questions.

The event is finished.


Aug 02 2022


1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
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