
Services Catalog

FASRC provides a number of services including cluster computing, data storage, and virtual machines. Each of these services all share the same FASRC authentication services. As well FASRC works directly with PIs to create various access groups for data and services. A number of common technical components are needed to access the different services...


Researchers can take advantage of the scale of the FASRC cluster by setting up workflows to split many different tasks into large batches, which are scheduled across the cluster at the same time. Most clusters are made from commodity hardware, so do note that the performance of an individual computation may not be any faster than a local new workstation/laptop with new CPU and flash (SSD) storage; cluster computing is about scale. Doing computations at scale allows a researcher to test many different variables at once, thereby shorter time to outcomes, and also provides the ability to ask larger, more complex problems (I.e. larger data sets, longer simulation time, more degrees of freedom, etc.)...


Storage provides large-scale networked attached access to research data from a variety of endpoints: compute cluster, instruments workstations, laptops, etc. Various storage types are typically designed for specific I/O (literally data in/out) needs that stems from raw data collection, data processing and analysis, data transfer and sharing, data preservation and archiving. These storage types usually have different data retention and replication policies as well...


FASRC provides data management guidance for labs to aid them in their compliance responsibilities and recommendations for managing their data on the FASRC cluster.


A research consultation and facilitation service can enable a research team to perform research using an expanded set of methodologies and skills, to accelerate research and complete deliverables in a more timely manner, and to expand the scope and amount of research pursued. These goals can be achieved with help from a research computing staff via consultation, facilitation, scripting, project and data management, and training. A research team can often benefit from incremental help from just-in-time learning to expand their knowledge and skills, to augment their collective skill set, and/or to accomplish analysis, coding, and organizational tasks...


Research software is the collection of tools, codes, libraries that allows a researcher to generate new data or analyze and make meaning of existing data. Some software is used across many disciplines, like MatLab, R, python, whereas most are very domain specific. The majority of software is provided by the researchers, however FAS has site or volume licenses for several packages for cluster and/or desktop use, which are provided at no cost to faculty and students. Licenses are usually available upon request. For software that is needed on the cluster, FASRC can install broadly-used codes as modules, while researchers can build and install the particular software they need. /p>


Hosting services provide a secure, environmentally controlled data center space with redundant power and network feeds. This allows researchers to not have to house computer equipment such servers and storage within their lab spaces. Professional IT staff can provide a variety of services to support these systems if needed. Such hosting is on a case-by-case basis...


In a typical cluster computing environment, the OS, configuration, etc. is relatively homogeneous across the infrastructure and root/administrator access on each host is limited to system administrators. Allowing different operating systems or giving users privileged access creates a fragmented infrastructure. Often users need the computational benefits of an entire “server” but do not have the funds for or need an entire physical server. Virtual Instances provide an avenue for users looking to utilize different operating systems and configurations than are typically used in the underlying physical infrastructure. They also enable users to own an entire "server" without having to pay the cost of a full machine... New England Research Cloud (NERC)


Service Center and Billing FAQ

FAS Informatics


FASRC works closely with the FAS Informatics group who provide data management, analysis, training, and software support for the faculty, staff, and cores.

Research Support at Harvard

To see the full listing of Harvard Wide Research Computing, Research Data & Scholarship, and Research Administration services, please visit the Research Support at Harvard site.